Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I want to say I put effort into you.

But I can’t.

At the time I started this, it was 2:34,

And when I finish this, it’ll be 2:40ish.

Does this make me a bad writer?
Is this poetry rubbish?

I feel like I’m posting on twitter or facebook, like;
“Hey, what’s my status now?”
And then I refresh,
I open a blank page,
I write how I’m feeling,
Then I tell the world.

Does the world care?
Does the world need to know, should be the question I ask when I write.

Sometimes I think poetry is rubbish, but I just want to get the point across that I can do it.

I like writing about my feelings, it keeps me calm and collected.

Sometimes I look back and wonder if I even had a topic, if I even wanted to say anything in the first place.

I have to constantly reread so I don’t feel dumb, like I went off topic.

But here I am, going off topic. What the hell?

My thoughts are scrambled, and thus this is what happens.

God damnit, brain. What are you doing up there?

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