Friday, December 9, 2011

I remember when I was younger. There is not much I remember, but I remember this. The reason I don't remember much is because once my sister told me about false thoughts; when you would think of yourself as being somewhere in the third person. This never made sense to me until she explained it, for I always thought I had some magical power to be able to see my memories from the eyes of an onlooker, the third person.

Now when I look back, I can't see myself in the third person. Any memories of the kind are removed from my head when they are found, and this leaves me with very few real memories. One is through teary eyes in kindergarten. I had fallen asleep, and when I awoke, my mother was there. I do not remember why I was bawling, for there had been no bad dreams, I could just remember crying and I was confused on why I was crying! I'm still not sure why I remember that. Another memory I have is when I had not even started school yet. It was snowing and it was up to my knees, and all I wanted to do was go to the bathroom. The snow was too high, and I could not walk fast enough, because my knees were just high enough to go over the snows surface, as such I had to lift my legs very high to get anywhere. 

These are not my only two memories, but these are the ones I remember if I'm asked to remember something. These are the earliest memories that I can remember, and when I look back, I can remember other things about my life, but not until I really started becoming a person. My memories have no great shock or purpose to them, they are just memories. I remember losing my video game privileges until thanksgiving, I remember the first time I went to my friends house, I remember when I first met someone, and I remember names and faces from high school. My brain is scattered, and still I can remember these.

And I wonder for the 7 billion people alive on this earth, the 7 billion hours worth of memories being formed right now, how many will actually be remembered?

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