Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Slightly adrift, smiling widely.

I can't help but grin as my armor shatters to bits. They're getting dangerously close to the core.

Layers of armor crack away. The lame gray fades away,
the sapphire attire crumbles and falls,
the diamond shell begins to melt.


Like a King, I stand above all.
My statues, all golden, all those lives that I've touched.

That sounds presumptuous. I assume I brighten every life I touch.
I ignore the crumbling cold granite statues in my courtyard. The gold glimmers brighter anyways.


Every time you say something to me,
my heart has started to break.

Not in the conventional way, where one might feel heartbroken, 
but in a new way.

It's like when you eat chocolate,
and slowly snap bits of it off to eat it.

Except in this case, it's not a sugary taste I get,
it's a warmth in my chest, a fire inside.

Something wonderful,
and bit by bit it's taking over my heart.


Like a lion I roar to myself,
and yet you can quiet me. 
Something about you makes me flustered, nervous,
I don't want you to feel distant, but I'm scared of having you close.


I'm on a cloud, I don't think I've been any higher than this.
Not in the usual, high-energy-bouncing-around-the-room way, 
but in a new way. I don't think I've felt like this before.

I looked in the mirror, and my image of the person on the other side was different.
I don't know what it was about it. Maybe it was the tired eyes he had,
but the stupid grin on his face was a sight so see, he didn't even know he wore it.

He seemed happy, despite all else, despite how tough the day to come might be,
despite the challenges he might soon face. I wonder to myself,
what's going on here?

1 comment:

  1. Ooo joy! You put them up ^_^
    I really like the imagery and word choice in the first one. "Sapphire attire" and all that. the idea of a armor /protective layers made of gems is beautiful. I wonder what is at the core?

    The second one makes me smile because I'm a greek mythos nerd. <3 King Midas <3

    The third one's just adorable x) chocolate...

    The fourth... RAWR :3 :3 :3

    The fifth - I feel the same right now. I'm all jittery it's so odd but I'm happy with it. Happy shivers hahaha. Also, you should probably try getting more sleep, at least we;ll all be on break soon! :D
